
Lookbook website is coming trend in 2015

Lookbook could be seen as a collection of images’ product with a certain topic. It is often used to promote a product line or list of products with the same functionality or manufactures…For examples: A collection of designer or winter clothes 2015 collection. In the past, people used Lookbook to promote their work, something belongs to them. Nowadays, it has evolved and became a popular mass media or shopping trend. Today, we will analyze the advantage of Lookbook with business factors.


With Customer

  • The first benefit comes to the Lookbook is to fire up in your eyes desire to see to enjoy and purchase decisions.
  • Lookbook brings to you collections with the same functionality or manufactures so customers have diversified choices.
  • It is carefully selected by owner so there is almost no junk products.
  • Lookbook can be divided into many small collections such as: with Lookbook Men 2015- winter collection, summer holiday and so on.

With Producers

  • Lookbooks on retail sites can help increase sales when they are placed directly on the individual websites of a merchant.
  • A special approach may well include “Shop this Look” link that allows consumers to easily switch from one browser look to buy an item.
  • The site of ZARA or Apollo Gent Shop is a great example of this kind of marketing lookbook, where each page of the store’s lookbook included an option to purchase individual products featured in review.
  • It represents one of the professional manufacturer with customers, with a neat tidy of many products.
  • Lookbook also help manufacturers can easily manage their products.

With Social Media

  • Lookbook has become popular with people using social networks especially Pinterest. You can image that Pinterest users collect of product representing their appearance. Effective with the consumer to create a wish list like lookbook and share their passion or personality with their friends as a form of online shopping.
  • Pinterest may be regarded as the same functionality online lookbook it acts as an incentive for shoppers and image search.
  • With the designer, or simply someone who has a passion to collect something, lookbook is totally suitable with theme, something makes your own and share it on any social network as Facebook, Twitter. This sharing may help you become famous with the collection of high quality.

In conclusion

The using lookbook is coming popular and its advantages are undeniable. We hope our blog can give readers a clear view of using Lookbook in business.


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